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Day 35

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Narration available


The last thing that God will do for salvation to be complete in each of those who have done what must be done is:


When Jesus died on the cross, He was buried, rose on the third day and ascended to heaven with His glorified spiritual body! So it is also with every true believer that when he dies his physical body remains in the cemetery, but his spiritual body already goes to paradise fully glorified; that is, the saved one is in full consciousness, active, normal, without, however, any physical limitation.

And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified!

Romans 8:30

Do a revision every day, with the 4 items that are up to you to preserve your Salvation.

  1. To Confess to God;
  2. To Regret;
  3. To Forgive and ask for forgiveness;
  4. To Believe, trust, and have faith.

Read to others, pass it on, pray for them, as well as recommend a spiritual online song.

Pr Valter Köhler (1944-2020)

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