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Day 12
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- Pr Valter Köhler
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Narration availableNarration available
When he (Paul) came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. But Barnabas took him and brought him…
Acts 9:26-27
1ª Attitude: to bring to, or to take together to. Sometime later Paul suggested to Barnabas and John, called Marcos, a TEENAGER at that time, since Pamphylia, had separated from them, due to this weakness Paul did not want him to participate in the visit to the brothers (Acts 15:37-39).
So Barnabas, walked away from Paul and took Mark with him, to make him a Man of God
Later, walking with Barnabas, Mark grew up and became a disciple of Jesus, writing the Gospel of Mark afterwards.
Think of some teenager, who, like Mark, tried to be useful to God but had his difficulties, as he was still forming his character.
Invite him to be part of VIDES, ask him questions about his experiences in overcoming sin, and challenge him to SANCTIFICATION.
Maybe one day you may have been a “Barnabas”, and he would have become a disciple like “Mark”?
Read to others, pass it on, pray for them, as well as recommend a spiritual online song.
Pr Valter Köhler (1944-2020)